Routine maintenance will be conducted Sat., Dec. 14 from 12:00 am (central time) through 4:00 pm on Sun., Dec. 15. During these hours you may experience some temporary unavailability of the application.
Welcome to AMA Profiles Hub
AMA Profiles Hub offers physicians and credentialing specialists a secure means to access professional data.
Are you a physician? Learn what the Hub can do for physicians.
View your professional data. All physicians—MDs and DOs—can access and review their AMA Profile for free. Your profile reflects the most current information recorded within the AMA Physician Professional Data™, formerly known as AMA Physician Masterfile, and may be used by organizations that you have authorized to verify your credentials for the purpose of licensing, privileging, or payer enrollment.To help safeguard your privacy, you will be asked to verify your identity through a series of questions.
Request your AMA Profile be sent to a licensing board. You may also request your AMA Profile be securely delivered to any one of 67 medical licensing jurisdictions.
Your next steps. Sign in with your AMA account information or create an AMA account if this is your first visit. See sign in and create account links below.
Learn more
Are you verifying credentials for an organization? Learn what the Hub can do for organizations.
Order AMA Profiles. Organizations may access the AMA Profiles of those physicians and physician assistants that have authorized the organization to verify their professional credentials for the purpose of licensing, privileging, or payer enrollment.Sign in with your AMA account information or create an AMA account if this is your first visit. See sign in and create account links below.
Need to create a new organizational account? Those persons designated as administrators by their organization will sign in and then use the Organization Manager tool to request creation of an organizational account. After AMA staff approves the account request, you may add users to your organizational account and purchase profiles. (AMA response time is estimated as two business days after request submission.)
Not sure if your organization already has an account? Email ProfilesLevel2@z.ama-assn.org and request help in determining if an organizational account exists.
Need to access an existing organizational account? Contact your organization administrator and ask to be added as a Profile User.
Need to update the administrator role for your organizational account? Email ProfilesLevel2@z.ama-assn.org.
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